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 Founded in 1992, DONG-IL has provided specialized and customized

Hydraulic and Industrial machines.  


 Notably, for oil-pressure related machines, DONG-IL has

co-developed the machines for diamond tools used

in the semiconductor industry, with EHWA Diamond and its suppliers.

 Also our deep engagement in the development of multi blade cutting machines,

and testing the machines, has contributed to the development of machines that

produce high performing products with a high throughput.


 DONG-IL will keep striving to offer optimal machines meeting customers' demands and requirements.

We do appreciate your support.



Dongil Industrial Machinery Co.,LTD
  • Banwol Factory :
  •  #103 604-6 lot. Banwol Industrial Complex
     238, Manhae-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do,
     Republic of Korea
     Tel. : 031-495-0577, 495-0588 Fax.: 495-0551
     (Primary operation: Hydraulic & Industrial
     machine manufacturing)
     E-mail :
  • Chungkye Factory :
  •  241 Ipjeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
     Tel. : 02-2266-5338 Fax.: 02-2279-8009
     (Primary operation: Small-sized parts machining and design)